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<!— Page published by Emacs Muse begins here —> <p><em><a href="Non-Sumou.html">Other GNU Emacs tips</a></em></p>

<p>You can make phonecalls and send SMSes directly from GNU Emacs, using <a href="http://bbdb.sourceforge.net/">BBDB</a> on the Nokia N900 <a href="http://www.gnu.org/">GNU</a> mobile phone.</p> <p>To be able to make phonecalls using the underlying phone UI on the N900:</p> <ul> <li><a href="GNU%20Emacs%20for%20Nokia%20N900.html">Install GNU Emacs</a>;</li> <li>Install <a href="http://bbdb.sourceforge.net/">BBDB</a>;</li> <li>Get <a href="elisp/bbdb-nokia-n900/bbdb-nokia-n900.el">bbdb-nokia-n900.el</a> <em>(current version 0.3)</em> <em>version history:</em><br /> <a href="elisp/bbdb-nokia-n900/bbdb-nokia-n900-0.2.el">bbdb-nokia-n900-0.2.el</a><br /> <a href="elisp/bbdb-nokia-n900/bbdb-nokia-n900-0.1.el">bbdb-nokia-n900-0.1.el</a></li> <li>Add the following to your <strong>.emacs</strong> <table bgcolor="#000000" border="1"><tr><td border="0"><font color="#FFFF00"><b>(add-to-list 'load-path &quot;/path/to/bbdb-nokia-n900&quot;)<br /> (require 'bbdb-nokia-n900)</b></td></tr></table></li> </ul>

<em>Make sure you have telephone numbers stored in the international format, i.e. with a leading `+', in BBDB.</em></p>

To call: move to the desired contact and phone number in BBDB and press `y'. Nokia N900 will dial the number.</p>

To send an SMS: move to the desired contact and phone number in BBDB and press `x', you'll be asked to type the SMS and it'll then send it, showing you a log of the sending procedure, it should end with an OK.</p>

A record of the time, date, which number, and in case of an SMS, the SMS text will be added to the note field of the contact in the BBDB database automatically, giving you a good recordkeeping framework overtime. For each contact you will see easily when you called or SMSed the contact and which number! <!— Page published by Emacs Muse ends here —>

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